Arts and Crafts

I've decided to go in to school every day at 11:30, since in the afternoon they are doing more craft type projects. In the morning they have subject, lunch, recess and math. Today Lauren gave a presentation on Hong Kong, her hometown. Some good questions that came out of the presentation were: "Is Hong Kongs population 130?" "Is your school a hotel?". When a student was asked if he could point out where Hong Kong was on the map, he pointed to Antartica.
Funny panorama of presentation

With their watercolor paintings, they glued a frog on them and drew squiggles as arms and legs.

After school, as a tennis team we went to get hibachi! It was really good. 

When I got back, I went to Slocumb and painted. 

Hours: 4
Total: 100!!!! wahooo
