Spelling Test

Today was my last day at CPC. It has been such a fun week and I am going to be sad to go. Reconnecting with my old kindergarten teachers was fun! 
Today I administrated a spelling test. The students have not really had a test before, so they were nervous. There was one girl who was not on as high reading level as everyone else. The teachers and I thought of a creative way to give out the test, without making her feel different and not as smart. We decided to pull two kids at a time and put them at a table. I would go to one end of the table and whisper a word to one student, then go to the other end and whisper a slightly easier word to the girl who struggled.
A funny moment that happened while I was saying the words was when I meant to say 'our'. I pronounced it 'are'. Apparently, I have been mispronouncing 'our' wrong my whole life. The kids had a good laugh about my lack of knowledge of the word. 
Near the end of the day when we were saying goodbyes, I told my teachers that I will try to come back in June to see the play! 

Hours: 8
Total: 88
